Auberge du Chanet      version française english version nederlandse versie
Restaurant and Bed & Breakfast on the highlands above the Gorges du tarn; Chambres d'hôtes - guestrooms 
& Gite d'étape - hikers reception on the Causse Méjean
Southern Central Massif - France

Auberge du Chanet - Nivoliers - 48150 Hures la Parade
tel 0033 (0)7 82 14 38 17
mail :  
site :

Ayméric & Paul heartly prepare you a reception with kindness, usual to those who love their region 
and like to share the best moments of live...

At the heart of the vast limestone high plateau le Causse Méjean Auberge du Chanet welcomes you in a splendid setting. 
After a nice meal you can choose out of 4 guestrooms - chambres d'hôtes, 18 beds hikers reception- gîte d'étape and 15 beds in a dormitory.
In the vaulted diningroom with fireplace or on the terrace, you're welcome to enjoy  typical traditionnal culinairy specialities of the region;

Nice meals prepared with pleasure based on local products like meats, lamb, mushrooms, sheepcheeses and goatcheeses.Auberge du Chanet is a meetingplace for hikers and naturelovers. Flora faune, architecture and landscapes can satisfy your curiosity.
Auberge du Chanet welcomes you...

by the Michelin 
acc. for hand. p Wifi accès  Nouveau offrez un sejour a AUBERGE DU CHANET

The restaurant

You 'll taste our menus 
near the fireplace 
or on the terrace

A cuisine based on local products.

L'Auberge du Chanet is situated on the trajects : Les 160 km de Florac : endurance
La Grand Traversée du Massif Central  :Mountainbiking 
Sentier de Saint Guilhem le Désert GR 

Welcome on the GR 60 , with multiple hikes off here 
at 2 kms of the
Prezwalski horses 
at the heart of the Causse Méjean  
at 20 minutes of the
Gorges du Tarn and the  Cevennes.   
A t7 kms of the grotto
Aven Armand
and at 45 minutes from the viaduct of Millau ; at proximity of numerous speleology- and climbing sites
l'Auberge du Chanet welcomes you 7 days a week


Auberge du Chanet  also proposes
 4 guestrooms
Gîtes de France
A hikers accomodation
Gîte de séjour
A dormitory / Equestrian reception

4 B&B rooms

Rooms with private shower,  washstand and toilet.

Rooms 1, 2 et 4 are equipped with an extra bunkbed 

Gîte de séjour
A hikers accomodation
- Gîte d'étape of 18 places,
consisting :
2 bedrooms for 2 persons
2 bedrooms for 4 people and 
1 bedroom for 6 people 
(with sanitary : 3 showers, 2 WC's, 5 washstands)de 18 places

A dormitory
of 14 places with 2 showers, 2 WC's and 3 washstands.

Reception capacity 
47 people.
We propose 33 beds in hikers-accomodation, plus 14 persons in chambres d'hôtes

Tariffs chambres d'hôtes

Night & breakfast chambres d'hôtes  
1 double bed, private shower, washstand and wc/ per night for 1 person  90 €

1/2 board : eveningmeal, room and breakfast for 2 persons: 150 €
For 1 person : 120 €

Tourist tax  : 
0,80€ /pers/jour


extra pers
1/2 board adulte 55 €

1/2 board child (-12 years) 40 €

 Wifi acces in all rooms


Tariffs hikerslodging and dormitory
1/2 board : room, eveningmeal and breakfast 
- in rooms for  2, 4 or 6 people with single staplebeds 
- or in dormitory with single beds
Bring please with you under-sheet and sleepingback 55 € /person
Taxe de séjour  : 0,80 € /pers/jour



 Auberge du Chanet - Nivoliers 
48150 Hures la Parade
phone : 07 82 14 38 17
e-mail :


Les 160 km de Florac
Championnat d'europe d'Endurance 

L'Auberge du Chanet is situated on :
le circuit


Etape Grande Randonnée 

Sentier de Saint Guilhem le Désert

Méjean  Lozère  France

   2 Short hikes    

Sentier des corniches du Causse Méjean
Sentier des corniches
du Causse Méjean

Sentier du Roc Saint Gervais
Sentier du roc 
Saint Gervais

Equestrian reception

Equestrian reception in meadow : 
water, granules and hay 8 € 
Donkey reception in meadow :
water and granules 3€ 
160km de FLORAC

For mountainbike minded persons  nice to know that
l'auberge du Chanet lies on the track :
la Grand Traversée du Massif Central 

Nature Occitane
voyages sports & nature :

   Flora on the Causse Méjean 

Orchis purpurea 

Pulsatilla rubra serotina

Polygala calcarea

Anthyllis montana

Orchis mascula

Astragalus monspessulanus

Anthyllis montana

Pedicularis comosa

Saxifraga granulata

Cerastium arvense


  Where is Auberge du Chanet on the Causse Méjean ? 

Average height 1000 meter, Southern Central Massif - South of France


 Index hotel-restaurants        INDEX B&B Chambres d'hotes       Index B&B - gîtes d'étapedebut

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