Raven - corvus corax
Faucon pélerin , falco peregrinus, Peregrine, pilgrimsfalk, de slechtvalk, wanderfalke, falcone pellegrino, halcon comun.
In general the most advanced in evolution, the most intelligent and most adaptable of all birds .
The largest all-black bird of the region; adult can be told from all other crows by huge size, as large as a Buzzard, stouter bill and distinctive voice. Even juvenile shows the greater length of bill, head and neck projecting in front which can give the adult an almost Maltese-cross appearance on wing.
Has a longer neck and stouter bill than smaller Carrion Crow and Rook.
Chief call a deep croaking 'pruk, pruk'; beware similar less deep note occasionally heard from Rook.
Flies rather heavily, but often soars and in spring performs remarkable acrobatics, 'tumbling', flying upside down and nose diving; walks, rather majestically.
When common will flock, especially to roost, but in breeding season usually in ones, twos or family parties.
Usually nests on a rock ledge, but sometimes in a tree; one of the earliest birds to start nesting.